Is your credit score holding you back or costing you money?

Subprime Credit
30 % of people in the City of St. Louis have subprime credit.

Paying More For Bad Credit
If you have bad credit you may pay $200,000 more for things like insurance, cars, and housing over your lifetime.

Behind on Monthly Bills?
89 % of adults have a credit card and about half pay off their balance each month
Credit Awareness Month 2024 is Here!
Credit Awareness Month is a community outreach and education campaign designed to put a spotlight on the importance of credit and credit building as a key part of overall financial health.
Free classes, seminars and events promoting financial education and credit building take place during the month of October. Coalition partners and volunteers work to host events and classes that cover all areas of credit! Topics for classes can include Credit Basics, Credit Building, Credit Repair, Identity Theft Protection, and more.
Get Help For Free
All classes and events are Free but may require registration. Please check the calendar links.
You can also check out all the Credit Building links on our Resources Page and find a list of local budget and credit counseling providers and credit coaches on our Local Providers Page.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram @moneysmartSTL to get money management and credit tips.
Creative Arts Contest
Winners will receive the following awards: First place $2,000; Second place $1,000; Third place $500. Additional prizes will be awarded to the other two (2) finalists.